Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is defined as “a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view”. What this means for you is that your products can be viewed at 1:1 scale through a users compatible device such as an iPhone or Android phone.

We can generate models that are optimised for AR, this includes precomputed shadows for added realism.


If you are involved in the development or sale of a physical item, then AR is for you. The end customer can view your sofa in their lounge, the interior designer can show their client the proposed console table, garden furniture can be viewed on the patio.


Our system removes the hassle and complication of serving AR content. Content can be delivered to your website by the inclusion of a short line of code or via email / messaging with a scannable ‘QR’ code.


We can create new models and convert existing models for use with AR. Where we need to create models, this can be via photogrammetry or 3D modelling.


Simply scan the QR code with most recent iPhones / iPad and with some recent Android devices to automatically launch the AR model.

QR code